See it First at Pacprint 17 - Oppboga Outdoor Board - Stand E30

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Oppboga Outdoor Board

The only paper-based board that doesn't mind the weather.

Outdoor signage is traditionally perceived to be printable only on plastics or film-laminated materials. It's time to recycle that notion - if only you could! Fluted plastics are not easily recyclable and most end up being incinerated or as landfill.

Now there is the Swedish Oppboga Outdoor Board from Starleation - new for PacPrint. It's paper-pulp based, contains high percentage of already recucled fibre and is 100% recyclable once the campaign is over. It's even FSC certified. But wait, we hear you say? It's paper and will go soggy in the rain. NOT SO!

See it at PacPrint - only from Starleaton on Stand E30

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